Awarded Grants
Awarded Grants
Pharmacological induction of autophagy to treat CHM
Ivan Conte
University of Naples Federico II
Awardee: Ivan Conte
Institution: University of Naples Federico II
Award Amount: $64,990
Funding Period: February 1, 2021 - January 31, 2022
Final Report Lay Summary:
The main goal of this project was to characterize at fine scale the contribution of molecular network regulating the autophagy pathway in the Retinal Pigment Epithelial ce ls. We demonstrated that impairment of ce l clearance in the RPE may affect visual system in the Choroideremia. Interestingly, we put the basis for developing a new therapeutic strategy to treat CHM, which stil represents a cha lenge, Remarkably, the therapy described herein was safe and wel tolerated showing no adverse effects associated with pharmacological treatment up to 3 months of treatment, the longest time for which the drug was tested on CHM mice. Lately, in vitro studies using hiPSC-derived RPE ce l sheet give us the opportunity to move forward with regulatory studies prerequisite to clinical trials for choroideremia patients.
Maximising the Utilisation of the Hyperinsulinism Global Registry (HIGR) [Max HIGR]
Indraneel Banerjee
University of Manchester, Royal Manchester Children's Hospital
Awardee: Indraneel Banerjee
Institution: University of Manchester, Royal Manchester Children's Hospital
Award Amount: $73,190
Funding Period: February 1, 2021 - January 31, 2022
The HI Global Registry (HIGR) is a unique rare disease patient registry developed by Congenital Hyperinsulinism International. This international online registry that gathers important information on different types and treatments for low sugars due to hyperinsulinism. The completion of HIGR relies on parents and families uploading their child's required details. Our proposed study "Maximizing the Utility of HIGR" (MaxHIGR) aims to build on the opportunity to add medical grade information to existing parent reported HIGR information, thereby joining up clinical and parent perspectives in the search towards better understanding and improved treatment for HI. MaxHIGR will lay the basis for HIGR to evolve into a registry that will tell us about the natural history of disease, which treatments are better and have less side effects and how we can improve the quality of life of children and families living with HI.
Final Report Summary:
MaxHIGR has brought international co laborators to agree on a common data colection to replicate natural history of Congenital Hyperinsulinism. MaxHIGR required close co laboration across time zones around the world, while adapting to a a common set of rules for data entry. The form is now currently being integrated into an online tool for use in a pilot study. This study has been delayed to accommodate in person patient-clinician consultations that had been set back due to the pandemic.
HB-EGF/EGFR signaling in capillary dysfunction in CADASIL
Masayo Koide
University of Vermont Larner College of Medicine
Awardee: Masayo Koide
Institution: University of Vermont Larner College of Medicine
Award Amount: $82,795
Funding Period: February 1, 2021 - January 31, 2022
CADASIL, short for Cerebral Autosomal Dominant Arteriopathy with Subcortical Infarct and Leukoencephalopathy, is the most common genetic cause of a pathology known as small vessel disease (SVD) of the brain. During SVDs such as CADASIL, the structure and function of small blood vessels (arteries, arterioles, venules, and capillaries) within the brain become compromised. An early result of this vascular dysfunction is a decrease in blood flow to the brain (cerebral blood flow or CBF), which eventually leads to dementia and/or strokes. This study will elucidate the molecular mechanisms of compromised CBF increases in response to neural activity (“functional hyperemia”) using a clinically relevant CADASIL mouse model. We will specifically focus on examining the impact of CADASIL on capillaries, the smallest and most abundant vessels in the brain, which we have previously shown to be the molecular cornerstone in functional hyperemia responses in healthy animals. Considering that it is known that CADASIL causes an abnormal accumulation of specific proteins around the outside of small vessels in the brain, we propose to examine how two of these proteins, epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and heparin-binding EGF-like growth factor (HB-EGF), contribute to capillary dysfunction in CADASIL. This project, by providing a greater understanding of the cellular pathways contributing to CADASIL pathologies, will create a firm footing for future therapeutic development.
Final Report Lay Summary:
CADASIL, short for Cerebral Autosomal Dominant Arteriopathy with Subcortical Infarct and Leukoencephalopathy, is the most common genetic cause of a pathology known as smal vessel disease (SVD) of the brain. During SVDs such as CADASIL, the structure and function of smal blood vessels (arteries, arterioles, venules, and capilaries) within the brain become compromised. An early result of this vascular dysfunction is a decrease in blood flow to the brain (cerebral blood flow or CBF), which eventua ly leads to dementia and/or strokes. This study examined the molecular mechanisms of compromised CBF increases in response to neural activity (“functional hyperemia”) using a clinica ly relevant CADASIL mouse model. We specifica ly focused on examining the impact of CADASIL on capilaries, the sma lest and most abundant vessels in the brain, which we have previously shown to be the molecular cornerstone in functional hyperemia responses in healthy animals. Considering that it is known that CADASIL causes an abnormal accumulation of specific proteins around the outside of sma l vessels in the brain, we examined how two of these proteins, epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and heparin-binding EGF-like growth factor (HBEGF), contribute to capilary dysfunction in CADASIL. State-of-art techniques, including laser Doppler flowmetry, patch-clamp electrophysiology, two-photon microscopy and a newly developed capilary-arteriole continuum preparation were used to examine the role of capilary EGFR signaling in causing cerebral blood flow deficits in CADASIL model mice. Notably, we found that CADASIL-induced functional hyperemia deficits were caused by insufficient phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2), an endogenous activator of Kir2.1 potassium channels in capilary EC membranes. Furthermore, our data demonstrates that PIP2 content in capilary EC membranes can be modified by HB-EGF/EGFR signaling. In fact, the application of PIP2 or stimulation of EGFR restored capilary Kir2.1 channel activity and functional hyperemia in CADASIL mice. These results support the concept that HB-EGF/EGFR signaling modulates PIP2 content in capilary EC membrane, EC Kir2.1 channel activity, and functional hyperemia. In summary, we demonstrated a novel mechanism underlying functional hyperemia deficits in CADASIL. Our findings suggest that capilary HB-EGF/EGFR signaling and exogenous PIP2 administration may have potential as therapeutic targets as CADASIL treatments. This project, supported by the 2021 Milion Do lar Bike Ride Pilot Grant program, provides a wealth of new information to deepen our understanding of the pathologies involved in CADASIL and other smal vessel diseases of the brain and creates a foundation for future therapeutic studies.
Development of at-home speech and wearable sensor biomarkers for ataxia-telangiectasia
Annopum Gupta
Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School
Awardee: Anoopum Gupta
Institution: Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School
Award Amount: $129,898
Funding Period: February 1, 2021 - January 31, 2022
Final Report Lay Summary:
Promising disease-modifying therapies are being developed for ataxia-telangiectasia and other pediatric neurological diseases, but current assessment tools are very insensitive at determining efficacy, resulting in large and expensive trials. This project aimed to develop precise motor outcome measures, using inexpensive and widely accessible digital technologies, that can sensitively determine if a therapy is effective in children of a l ages. We co lected continuous wrist accelerometer data from 31 individuals with ataxiatelangiectasia and 27 controls aged 2-20 years old. Longitudinal wrist sensor data were colected in 14 ataxia-telangiectasia participants and 13 controls. A novel algorithm was developed to extract wrist movement patterns the accelerometer data. Wrist sensor features were compared with caregiver-reported motor function and ataxia severity on neurologist-performed ataxia rating scales. We found that these wrist sensor-based features show strong potential as novel disease measures for clinical trials: they demonstrate high reliability, correlate with clinician assessments of motor severity and caregiverreported motor function, and show potential to sensitively quantify disease progression. By passively measuring everyday activity, the information obtained can be more ecologica ly valid and comprehensive than task-specific measurements and is applicable in young children as we l in older, non-ambulatory individuals.
Determination of the retinal functions of VPS13B using a murine model and assessment of exon-skipping as a therapeutic strategy for Cohen Syndrome in patient-derived cells
Laurence Faivre
CHU Dijon Bourgogne
Awardee: Laurence Faivre
Institution: CHU Dijon Bourgogne
Award Amount: $66,560
Funding Period: February 1, 2021 - January 31, 2022
The “molecular tweezer” CLR01 as a new potent drug candidate to slow CNS pathology progression in MPS-I
Alessandro Fraldi
University of Naples "Federico", Dept of Translational Medicine
Awardee: Alessandro Fraldi
Institution: University of Naples "Federico", Dept of Translational Medicine
Award Amount: $65,040
Funding Period: February 1, 2021 - January 31, 2022
Progressive neurological deterioration characterizes both severe (Hurler) and intermediate (Hurler-Scheie) forms of MPS-I. Unfortunately, to date, there is no treatment for the CNS pathology in MPS-I patients.
Under different stress conditions, certain aggregation-prone proteins misfold and self-assemble into neurotoxic insoluble deposits called amyloids. Aggregation and deposition of amyloid proteins in the brain is a hallmark of many neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. By studying mouse models of Sanfilippo syndrome we have recently shown that deposition of amyloid proteins also occurs in the brain of these mice and is a key event contributing to the neurodegenerative processes. Furthermore, extending previous observations, we have shown that similarly to the Sanfilippo syndrome, amyloid deposition also occurs in the brain of other mouse models of MPS and, in particular, is associated to neurodegenerative processes in the brain of post-mortem patients with MPS-I.
To counteract these amyloid-mediated pathological processes, we made use of a potent and specific inhibitor of amyloid protein aggregation known as CLR01. CLR01 is a lead compound of the “molecular tweezers” class of small molecules that act by a unique mechanism to efficiently inhibit abnormal self-assembly of multiple amyloidogenic proteins. CLR01 has been shown to be effective in protecting against neurodegeneration in mouse models of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. Moreover, previous studies also have shown that CLR01 has a wide safety margin in mice and crosses the blood-brain barrier when administered systemically. We have shown that subcutaneous injection of CLR01 in the mouse model of MPS-IIIA, the most and severe form of Sanfilippo syndrome resulted in a striking reduction of amyloid protein deposition in the brain and correction of neuropathological phenotype, including cognitive function.
Here we want to extend the proof of efficacy of CLR01 beyond MPS-IIIA and test the hypothesis that inhibiting amyloid deposition by CLR01 is an effective therapeutic option to slow CNS manifestations in MPS-I forms with CNS involvement. Overall our results may open the possibility to develop effective CNS therapies for MPS-I based on parenteral administration of CLR01, a drug with a unique mechanism of action and with a high translational potential.
Deciphering the structural consequences of ZC4H2 germline rare variants
Prof. Michal Linial
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Awardee: Prof. Michal Linial
Institution: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Award Amount: $50,000
Funding Period : January 1, 2021 - December 31, 2021
Studies on ZC4H2 to help better understand the pathophysiology of ZARD
Vera Kalscheuer, PhD
Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics
Awardee: Vera Kalscheuer, PhD
Insitution: Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics
Award Amount: $50,000
Funding Period: January 1, 2021 - December 31, 2021
Nucleic acid binding by ZC4H2
Daniel Dominguez, PhD
UNC at Chapel Hill
Awardee: Daniel Dominguez, PhD
Institution: UNC at Chapel Hill
Award Amount: $50,000
Funding Period: January 1, 2021 - December 31, 2021
Mutations or genetic rearrangements in the protein, ZC4H2, cause a group of X-linked neurodevelopmental disorders for which there are no treatments. While the importance of this protein is clear, the specific function of ZC4H2 is still unknown. ZC4H2 is predicted to be a zinc-finger protein. We hypothesize that like many other zinc-finger proteins, ZC4H2 directly binds DNA or RNA, and functions to regulate gene expression programs required for normal development. Our goal is to determine if ZC4H2 interacts with nucleic acids and to identify specific genes and/or gene expression pathways that become dysfunctional when ZC4H2 is mutated. Patients suffering from ZC4H2-associated rare disorders have little recourse; understanding the biological function of this protein is a critical and necessary first step to uncover potential therapeutic approaches.
Characterization and correction of Cdkl5 nuclear function in human CDD neurons during maturation
Simone DiGiovanni, MD, PhD
Imperial College London
Awardee: Simone DiGiovanni, MD, PhD
Institution: Imperial College London
Award Amount: $149,277
Elucidate the neural mechanisms underlying sleep disturbances and the relation between seizures and sleep-wake cycle in CDKL5 deficiency disorder (CDD)
Liqin Cao, PhD
Tsukuba University
Awardee: Liqin Cao, PhD
Institution: Tsukuba University
Award Amount: $139,940
Visualizing the effect of CDKL5 deficiency on ciliary core structures
Alan Brown, PhD
Harvard Medical School
Awardee: Alan Brown, PhD
Institution: Harvard Medical School
Award Amount: $150,000
Incorporation of functional unnatural amino acids into CDKL5 to study its function in cells
Maolin Guo, PhD
University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth
Awardee: Maolin Guo, PhD
Institution: University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth
Award Amount: $150,000
Ascertaining the cell-autonomous effects of CDKL5 mutations in every brain cell type
Steven A. McCarroll, PhD
Harvard Medical School
Awardee: Steven A. McCarroll, PhD
Institution: Harvard Medical School
Award Amount: $140,000
Assessing peripheral sensory neuron dysfunction in animal models for CDKL5 deficiency disorder
Lauren Orefice, PhD
Massachusetts General Hospital
Awardee: Lauren Orefice, PhD
Institution: Massachusetts General Hospital
Award Amount: $150,000
CDKL5 regulation of ciliary assembly and signaling
Gregory J. Pazour, PhD
University of Massachusetts Medical School
Awardee: Gregory J. Pazour, PhD
Institution: University of Massachusetts Medical School
Award Amount: $150,000
Structural/functional characterization of full-length hCDKL5 isoform 1 produced in recombinant marine bacteria and use of pharmacological chaperones to stabilize hCDKL5 missense mutants
Maria Luisa Tutino, PhD
University of Naples
Awardee: Maria Luisa Tutino, PhD
Institution: University of Naples
Award Amount: $148,300
MEK inhibition for RASopathy associated hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Gregor Andelfinger
CHU Sainte Justine Research Center, Université de Montréal
Awardee: Gregor Andelfinger
Institution: CHU Sainte Justine Research Center, Université de Montréal
Award Amount: $59,220
Eludicating the role of marrow-resident myeloid cells in FOP
Shailesh Agarwal
Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard University
Awardee: Shailesh Agarwal
Institution: Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard University
Award Amount: $40,208
Attention-deficit and hyperactivity links to the brain connectivity of MPS I subjects: multimodal MRI study
Igor Nestrasil
University of Minnesota
Awardee: Igor Nestrasil
Institution: University of Minnesota
Award Amount: $61,589